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Choi YK, Lee JH, Erickson G, Goyal SM, Joo HS, Webster RG, et al. H3N2 Influenza Virus Transmission from Swine to Turkeys, United States. Emerg Infect Dis,2004 Dec.  Full Text  
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 17, 2004 from Emerg Infect Dis,2004 Dec (via http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol10no12/04-0581.htm)
In 1998, a novel H3N2 reassortant virus emerged in the United States swine population. We report the interspecies transmission of this virus to turkeys in two geographically distant farms in the United ...

Marano N, Pappiaoanou M. Historical, New, and Reemerging Links between Human and Animal Health. Emerg Infect Dis,2004 Dec.  Full Text  
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 17, 2004 from Emerg Infect Dis,2004 Dec (via http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol10no12/04-1037.htm)
A wide spectrum of microbes and infectious diseases have been transmitted from domesticated and wild animals to humans for thousands of years (1). In the last 5 years, infectious diseases such as West ...

HPA. UK:HPA WEEKLY NATIONAL INFLUENZA REPORT 2004(week 50). HPA.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 11, 2004 from HPA
Report date : 08 December 2004 (Week 50)Covered in this report:All data with the exception of ONS : 22/11/04 – 05/12/2004( Week 48 & Week 49)ONS data: 15/11/04-28/11/04 ( Week 47 & 48) SummaryLow levels ...

Health Canada. Canada:Fluwatch week 49,2004. Health Canada.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 11, 2004 from Health Canada
Canada: A mix of localized and sporadic influenza activity is being reported in British Columbia, Manitoba and Ontario. Sporadic activity is reported in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Nova Scotia, ...

US CDC. US:Weekly Report: Influenza Summary Update week 48,2004. US CDC.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 11, 2004 from US CDC
Weekly Report: Influenza Summary UpdateWeek ending December 4, 2004-Week 48 The following information may be quoted: Synopsis:During week 48 (November 28-December 4, 2004)*, influenza activity ...

EISS. EISS Weekly Report: Week 49, 2004. EISS.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 11, 2004 from EISS
Intensity of influenza activity in Europe at low levels but laboratory confirmed cases still increasing Summary: The number of countries reporting sporadic influenza activity has increased from seven ...

Daniel F. Hoft,Robert B. Belshe. The Genetic Archaeology of Influenza. NEJM Volume 351:2550-2551.  Full Text  
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 11, 2004 from NEJM Volume 351:2550-2551 (via http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/short/351/24/2550)
Over the past century, three influenza pandemics occurred because of the emergence of novel influenzaviruses to which little or no immunity existed. In 1918 and 1919, the "Spanish" influenza pandemic killed ...

P.sandman and J. Lanard. Pandemic Influenza Risk Communication:The Teachable Moment. www.psandman.com.  Full Text  
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 6, 2004 from www.psandman.com (via http://www.psandman.com/col/pandemic.htm)
The goal of this column is help figure out how to alert the public to the risk of an influenza pandemic, and how to involve the public in the pandemic preparedness effort. After a brief discussion of this ...

Health Canada. Canada:Fluwatch week 48,2004. Health Canada.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 4, 2004 from Health Canada
Canada: Sporadic influenza activity is increasing across the country (Yukon, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia). Localized activity is being reported in Alberta and Manitoba. A mix of localized ...

US CDC. US:Weekly Report: Influenza Summary Update week 47,2004. US CDC.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 4, 2004 from US CDC
Weekly Report: Influenza Summary UpdateWeek ending November 27, 2004-Week 47 The following information may be quoted: Synopsis:During week 47 (November 21-27, 2004)*, influenza activity ...

EISS. EISS Weekly Report: Week 48, 2004. EISS.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 3, 2004 from EISS
Summary: The number of countries reporting sporadic cases of influenza activity has increased slightly in week 48/2004, although the level of influenza activity in Europe remains low (at baseline levels). ...

HPA. UK:HPA WEEKLY NATIONAL INFLUENZA REPORT 2004(week 46). HPA.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 3, 2004 from HPA
Summary of UK* surveillance of influenza and other seasonalrespiratory illnessPrepared by the Influenza/Respiratory Virus Team, HPA Centre for InfectionsReport date: 10 November 2004 (week 46)Covered in ...

HPA. UK:HPA WEEKLY NATIONAL INFLUENZA REPORT 2004(week 48). HPA.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 3, 2004 from HPA
HPA WEEKLY NATIONAL INFLUENZA REPORTSummary of UK* surveillance of influenza and other seasonalrespiratory illnessPrepared by the Influenza/Respiratory Virus Team, HPA Centre for InfectionsReport date: ...

Tran Tinh Hien, Menno de Jong, Jeremy Farrar. Avian Influenza — A Challenge to Global Health Care Structures. NEJM Volume 351:2363-2365.  Full Text  
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 2, 2004 from NEJM Volume 351:2363-2365
The largest, most devastating outbreak of an infectious disease in modern history occurred in 1918, when a highly virulent influenza A (H1N1) virus spread throughout the world and killed between 20 million ...

Glikmann G, Chen SN, Mordhorst CH, Koch C. Monoclonal antibodies for the rapid diagnosis of influenza-B virus infections by ELISA: production and characterization. Clin Diagn Virol. 1995 Jul;4(1):27-42.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 1, 2004 from Clin Diagn Virol. 1995 Jul;4(1):27-42
Department of Virology, Statens Seruminstitut, Artillerivej 5, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.Background: Monoclonal antibodies directed against conserved epitopes of viral proteins have substantially improved ...

Brumback BG, Cunningham DM, Morris MV, Villavicencio JL. Rapid culture for influenza virus, types A and B, in 96-well plates. Clin Diagn Virol. 1995 Oct;4(3):251-6.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 1, 2004 from Clin Diagn Virol. 1995 Oct;4(3):251-6
American Medical Laboratories, Inc., 14225 Newbrook Drive, P.O. Box 10841, Chantilly, VA 22021-0841, USA.Background: Rapid diagnosis and typing of influenza virus are important for patient treatment and ...

Bennink JR, Palmore TN. The promise of siRNAs for the treatment of influenza. Trends Mol Med. 2004 Dec;10(12):571-4.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 1, 2004 from Trends Mol Med. 2004 Dec;10(12):571-4
National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Laboratory of Viral Diseases, 4 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.Current WHO reports on the Asian avian influenza ...

Nayak DP, Hui EK, Barman S. Assembly and budding of influenza virus. Virus Res. 2004 Dec;106(2):147-65.  Abstract [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Dec, 1, 2004 from Virus Res. 2004 Dec;106(2):147-65
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, Molecular Biology Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.Influenza ...

Jonathan Dushoff, Joshua B. Plotkin, Simon A. Levin, and David J. D. Earn. Modeling the Flu Series: Dynamical resonance can account for seasonality of influenza epidemics. PNAS, Nov 2004; 10.1073/pnas.0407293101.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Nov, 29, 2004 from PNAS, Nov 2004; 10.1073/pnas.0407293101
Influenza incidence exhibits strong seasonal fluctuations in temperate regions throughout the world, concentrating the mortality and morbidity burden of the disease into a few months each year. The cause ...

Chris T. Bauch, David J.D. Earn. Modeling the Flu Series: Vaccination and the theory of games. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 101, 13391-13394.  Full Text [Primary member] 
submitted by kickingbird at Nov, 29, 2004 from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 101, 13391-13394
Voluntary vaccination policies for childhood diseases present parents with a subtle challenge: if a sufficient proportion of the population is already immune, either naturally or by vaccination, then even ...

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