general features SEQtools 8.3 is a win32 software package for handling and analysis of nucleotide and protein sequences. The program includes a series of trivial functions to help you carry out common operations. In addition SEQtools will assist you with more demanding tasks like unattended batch blast search at NCBI. SEQtools includes advanced facilities for retrieving, storing, handling and listing search results. special features Special functions are included for design of microarray gene expression analysis experiments, for expression analyses with the SAGE procedure and for managing small EST projects. Utilities are included for primer design and ordering, renaming files, creating codon usage tables, building local searchable databases, aligning nucleotide and protein sequences, comparing sequences and a lot more... user interaction SEQtools is a very responsive software package. User comments and suggestions are highly appreciated and play a key role in keeping the program bug-free and up to date. You can use SEQtools free of charge for as long as you wish if you keep your registration alive by confirming the registration every 60 days.