FAO/OIE/WB/WHO Meeting on Avian Influenza and Human Pandemic Influenza

FAO/OIE/WB/WHO Meeting on Avian Influenza and Human Pandemic Influenza
Closing remarks

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for making this a remarkable and productive meeting. The world has been watching and listening as, over these three days, the scale of the challenges has emerged. The international solidarity to confront these threats is clear. The urgency of acting now is felt by us all. Precise recommendations for action have emerged. Equally, precise offers of help and support have been put forward, by both developing and industrialized countries.

I will now review the central points that have come out of the meeting. Next I will outline an integrated programme of action which responds to the issues raised.

This is a challenging agenda which will require all our best efforts.

Thank you.