Case reports of human AIV infection -- Liaoning province

[With more papers published, we gathered the reports related to the previous cases acknowledged in the outbreak news in past years. The acdemic background varied between authors, so did their angle to analyse the certain case. Viewer discretion is advised. F.I.C hope by gathering these papers, researchers who are interested in those cases could find helpful information by carefully review the valuable information within, even though some of the cases traced back to 10 years. Be aware that most publication was written in Chinese, some of the publication might contain an English abstract which was written by authors whose native language was not English]

Liaoning province 

Shenyang city: First human H7N9 AIV case reported in Liaoning on June 2016 -- Human avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infection first diagnosed in Liaoning province: a case investigation Liaoning01.pdf